Thanks for your interest in Excellerate and our data conversion service. The conversion process typically involves sending us a sample of your data, along with a data mapping form which shows how each field in your database will be converted into the Excellerate database. We will then write a custom data conversion program that will convert your sample data into an Excellerate database. We will then send you the converted database for you to check the results. Once you have approved of the conversion, we will convert your complete database and send it to you.
The cost of the conversion service depends on several factors:
- -Format of the source database
- -What information we need to convert
- -Any special handling of specific fields
The base conversion price is $495. This includes all basic member information (name, address, age, etc.)
If member contributions need to be converted, add $400
For each additional category of information, such as Cell group structure, classes, etc, add $100
We will estimate any special processing that may be needed. In order to do this, we will need a sample of your data in order to estimate the cost of this conversion. This can be the database files themselves, or if the CMS uses a proprietary database format, you will need to export the data from your CMS. If the data is being emailed to us, use a compression utility like WinZip, and email it to: You can also mail us a CD or DVD.
Please provide us with the following information:
- What program are you converting from:
- What database format does it use (leave blank if unsure):
- Approximately how many members:
- Are you aware of any special field processing that needs to be done when moving data from your old database to Excellerate?
Indicate which tables you would like populated from your data:
___ Members/Families/Addresses
___ Member Profiles
___ Member Steps
___ Member Church Attendance
___ Member Contributions
___ Member Pledges
___ Member Class Attendance
___ Member Visits/Counselings
___ Pre-Members
___ Small Groups
___ Small Group Members
___ Small Group Activities
___ Small Group Member Attendance
___ Small Group Meeting Totals
___ Classes
___ Organizations
We will also need a data mapping form. Basically this form tells us where to map your fields from your existing software into Excellerate. An example is below:
Existing Database Excellerate Database
Membership Table Member Table First Firstname Middle Middlename Last Lastname Classification MemberType …